Lab 5: Operational Amplifiers


  1. Signal Generator
  2. Oscilloscope
  3. Power Supply
  4. Resistors:
  5. Two Additional Resistors: R_\mathrm{BPF}=5\mathrm{k}\Omega
  6. Two Additional Capacitors: C_\mathrm{BPF}=10\mathrm{nF}


Values Verification

Click here to read Operational Amplifier Guideline

Characteristics: Voltage Buffer

  1. Connect the circuit as shown above.
  2. Verify that the magnitude of v_o. If the magnitude is around 1\mathrm{V_{PP}}.

Characteristics: Slew Rate

  1. Change the signal from sine to square wave.
  2. Zoom in, capture, and calculate the slew rate during both positive and negative step functions.

Hint: One can change rising trigger to falling trigger for simplicity.

Application: BPF Buffer

  1. Build and compare above circuits.

Application: Inverting Amplifier

  1. Measure v_i, v_o, and calculate gain.

Limitation: Output Swing

  1. Change the source voltage to 2 \mathrm{V_{PP}} and capture the image.
  2. Change the source voltage to 3 \mathrm{V_{PP}} and capture the image.

Limitation: Feedback Resistance

  1. Build the circuit above and capture the image.

Comparator: General Circuit

Comparator: With Hysteresis