Lab 3: Constant Current Source (LM334), Thévenin’s and Norton’s Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer


  1. DC Power Supply: V_{CC} = 2.5\mathrm{V} with 0.01A current limit.
  2. Digital Multimeter
  3. Resistors: R_1 = 2\mathrm{k}\Omega, R_2 = 3\mathrm{k}\Omega, R_3 = 300\Omega, and R_x = 1.5\mathrm{k}\Omega
  4. LM334 Constant Current Source
  5. Trimpot R_L = 10\mathrm{k}\Omega, R_\mathrm{SET}=200\Omega


  1. Thevenin’s Theorem: Decompose the linear supply side to a single voltage source and a single resistor in series.
  2. Norton’s Theorem: Decompose the linear supply side to a single current source and a single resistor in parallel.
  3. Source Transformation: A voltage source with a resistor in series is interchangable with a current source with a resistor in parallel.


Values Verification

Original Circuit

  1. Adjust R_L to from 1\mathrm{k}\Omega to 2\mathrm{k}\Omega (according to the worksheet).
  2. Measure V_L and I_L.
  3. Repeat until every value of R_L has been covered.

Thévenin’s Equivalent Circuit

  1. Adjust R_L to from 1\mathrm{k}\Omega to 2\mathrm{k}\Omega (according to the worksheet).
  2. Measure V_L and I_L.
  3. Repeat until every value of R_L has been covered.

Norton’s Equivalent Circuit

  1. Adjust R_L to from 1\mathrm{k}\Omega to 2\mathrm{k}\Omega (according to the worksheet).
  2. Measure V_L and I_L.
  3. Repeat until every value of R_L has been covered.

Click here to read LM334 Guidelines

An example of breadboard connections.