Lab 7: Pulse-Width Modulation, DC Motor and Servo Control



  1. Connect the MOSFET and diode.
  2. Clip and supply DC voltage V_{CC} = 5\mathrm{V}. Set current limit to 200mA.
  3. Clip the signal generator (CLIP_SIG) and set the signal to square wave (500Hz, 5\mathrm{V_{PP}}, 2.5\mathrm{V} offset, 30% duty cycle).
  4. Turn on the power supply and signal generator. The motor should be in motion.

Main Experiment

  1. Capture the signals (Ch1: PROBE_SIG, Ch2: PROBE_DRAIN).
  2. Capture the signals (Ch1: PROBE_PHASE_A, Ch2: PROBE_PHASE_B).
  3. Remove the jumper at JP1 and measure the motor current.
  4. Measure the motor voltage.
  5. Repeat with 50% and 70% duty cycle.