Lab 6: Diodes, Rectifiers and Voltage Regulators


Values Verification

Half-Bridge Rectifier

  1. Have the instructor check the circuit before connecting the mains.
  2. Capture v_i and v_o waveforms using oscilloscope (make sure both channels are in DC coupling).
  3. Measure v_i and v_o using multimeter in DC and AC mode.

Full-Bridge Rectifier

  1. Have the instructor check the circuit before connecting the mains.
  2. Capture v_i and v_o waveforms using oscilloscope (make sure both channels are in DC coupling).
  3. Measure v_i and v_o using multimeter in DC and AC mode.

Full-Bridge Rectifier with Capacitor

  1. Connect the capacitor in parallel with the load.
  2. Have the instructor check the circuit before connecting the mains.
  3. Capture v_i and v_o waveforms using oscilloscope (make sure both channels are in DC coupling).
  4. Measure v_i and v_o using multimeter in DC and AC mode.
  5. Change the channel which measures v_o to AC coupling and measure ripple voltage using cursor function.
  6. Repeat for all values of capacitors.

Full-Bridge Rectifier with Capacitor and Voltage Regulator

  1. Add the voltage regulator and alter the circuit as shown. Make sure that the connections are safe and stable.
  2. Have the instructor check the circuit before connecting the mains.
  3. Capture v_i and v_o waveforms using oscilloscope (make sure both channels are in DC coupling).
  4. Measure v_i and v_o using multimeter in DC and AC mode.
  5. Change the channel which measures v_o to AC coupling and measure ripple voltage using cursor function.

Voltage Regulator Characteristics

  1. Connect the circuit as shown, where V_{CC}=10\mathrm{V} is a DC supply source.
  2. Calculate the power dissipated by the voltage regulator.
  3. Measure I_1, I_2, I_Q, V_1, and V_2.
  4. Wait for a while and measure the temperature rise.