EES210 Syllabus

CourseEES210: Basic Electrical Engineering Lab (1 Credit)
Course Website
Section1 (Electrical Engineering Program)
TimeFriday, 13:00 – 16:00
PlaceBKD 3502, Sirindhalai Building, Bangkadi Campus
InstructorMr. Phatham Loahavilai (LINE ID: pha846)
Teaching Assistants1. Dr. Muhammad Usman Jamil
2. Mr. Peemapot Uparakool (Lab head)

General Agreement

To ensure a delightful and fair condition to everyone, the following agreement shall be practiced.

  1. The instructor’s duty is to create a safe and comfortable educational environment. Feel free to learn from mistakes with responsibility. When in doubt, ask the instructor.
  2. Safety is the top priority. As components or falling tools can be sharp and can create injuries, these practices must be followed strictly for permit of entry to the lab.
    1. Shirts that do not cover the entire shoulder and body are not allowed.
    2. Trousers that do not cover from waist to lower leg (including ripped ones such as ripped jeans) are not allowed. Skirts can be worn but they are not encouraged.
    3. Sandals, bare feet, or shoes that do not cover the entire feet is forbidden.
    4. Food or drink consumption in the laboratory room is not allowed. Food without lid or drink without lid are not allowed to bring in the room except bottled water. Bottled water must not be placed on the table.
    5. Be cautious when working with electrical equipment.
    6. Bringing of radiation source or its byproduct is illegal.
  3. In-class discussions are strongly encouraged, while copying or cheating is not allowed.
    1. Copying any worksheet or report with more than 30% similarity will result in zero. Examples are copying from the internet, textbooks, or friends.
    2. Cheating on any quiz will result in a zero, and 50% deduction of worksheet score.
  4. The laboratory is purely onsite, with Google Classroom learning management system.
    1. No makeup or online learning is allowed. 
    2. In case of government lockdown or in-class infections, online learning may be practiced, but the contents will be changed to suit online learning.
    3. In case of academic, career, or family-related matters, the students must request the instructor (by email above) and CC to both TAs before the lab to have the lab scores. Pairing students must come to do the lab alone.
    4. In case of emergency, one or two lowest lab scores may be ignored.
  5. To ensure transparency, all of the scores may be shared among the class.

Class Timeline

FridayD13:00:00Class Start; Quiz Start
FridayD13:05:01Quiz Collection; Quiz Score = 0%
FridayD13:30:01Absent; 50% Worksheet Score Deduction
TuesdayD+423:59:59Worksheet Deadline

For the project report (Lab 11 and 12), the deadline is the earliest Monday after the last lab.


Week Date Topic Description
1 Jan 13, 2023 Lab 1 Use of DMM, Power Supplies (CC/CV), Batteries
2 Jan 20, 2023 Lab 2 KVL, KCL, Superposition, Thevenin’s Theorem
3 Jan 27, 2023 Lab 3 Constant Current Source (LM334), Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer
4 Feb 3, 2023 Lab 4 AC Generation and Measurement (Function Generator and Oscilloscope), RC (LPF and HPF) Circuit
5 Feb 10, 2023 Lab 5 Op-Amp: Inverting, Non-inverting, Summing, Limitations
6 Feb 17, 2023 Lab 6 Diode and rectifier: Full-bridge, Half-bridge, Ripples (when adding Capacitor or Voltage Regulator)
7 Feb 24, 2023 No class (Before Midterm Exam, as requested)
8 Mar 3, 2023 No class (Midterm Exam Period)
9 Mar 10, 2023 Lab 7 Pulse-width modulation: DC Motor (with MOSFET as a switch) and Servo control
10 Mar 17, 2023 Final Exam Lab Practice + Paper Exam + Lab Exam
11 Mar 24, 2023 Lab 8* Microcontroller (1) : analog-to-digital converter and digital-to-analog converter (PWM+LPF and IC)
12 Mar 31, 2023 Lab 9* Microcontroller (2) : Sensors and Actuators
13 Apr 7, 2023 Lab 10* Project (1)
14 Apr 14, 2023 No class (Songkran)
15 Apr 21, 2023 Lab 11* Project (2)
16 Apr 28, 2023 Lab 12* Project (3)
17 May 5, 2023 No class (Visakha)
18 May 12, 2023 No class (Final Exam Period)

* Requires laptop (one laptop per group)


Quizzes (12 Labs ×   2% )24%
Lab Worksheets (  9 Labs ×   3% )27%
Class Project (  1 Project × 15% )15%
Project Report (  1 Report × 10% )10%
Final Examination ( Paper + Lab )24%

According to the above table,

  1. Quizzes
    1. Quiz will start at lab 1 until lab 11, and includes the final examination.
    2. Open book (including phones / tablets), but not open friend(s).
    3. The quiz is paper-based. Prepare pencils and erasers in advance.
    4. Some content of the quiz will be posted on the learning management system.
    5. Discussion before the quiz starts or after the quiz is collected are allowed.
    6. Discussion during the quiz is not allowed and will be considered as cheating.
    7. Direct copying from manual(s) is not allowed. Paraphrasing is allowed.
  2. Lab Worksheets
    1. Discussion is encouraged.
    2. Direct copying is not allowed.
    3. Paraphrasing is allowed.
    4. Late submission will not be accepted.
    5. Making up numbers or copying from other groups (otherwise explicitly stated in the lab manual) will be considered as cheating and is not allowed.
  3. Class Project
    1. There are two classes for the project.
    2. Copying is not allowed.
    3. Evaluations will be in-class.
  4. Project Report
    1. A template will be given.
    2. Copying is not allowed.
    3. Late submission will not be accepted.
  5. Final Examination
    1. According to Thammasat University Undergraduate Studies Regulation, 2564 B.E., which refers to Thammasat University Undergraduate Studies Regulation, 2561 B.E., Section 9, Number 43, students must join at least 70% (or 9 labs) to be eligible for the final examination.
    2. Therefore, in case of more than two absences (including the project), the final examination score will not be counted and regarded as zero (0).
    3. From the class timeline, coming after 13:30:00 will be considered as a lab absent.