Experimental Measures of the Threshold Voltage and the Conductance Parameter of an NMOS-CD4007 Transistor


Conventionally in our laboratory, we often measure the threshold voltage V_T by using a digital voltmeter (which has a high impedance) in series with a power supply and an NMOS (with gate tied to drain). The threshold voltage would be the supply voltage minus the reading from the voltmeter. However, different voltmeters gave different results (although the NMOS was the same). We then decided to derive the threshold voltage and conductance parameter by using curve fitting from measurements of drain current and gate-source voltage. Finally, we present two results with the channel-length modulation parameters: (1) neglected and (2) included.


Data Acquisition

From Figure 1, an adjustable voltage source V_X, along with an arbitrary resistor R_D, are used to supply the drain current I_D into the MOSFET (CD4007, shown in Figure 2: gate at pin 6, source at pin 7 and drain at pin 8). Refer to Figure 3 for the breadboard connections. Adjust V_X and R_D to measure different I_D and V_{GS}. The measurements were taken simultaneously using two multimeters shown as Figure 4.

Figure 1: Gate-source voltage and drain current measurement circuit.
Figure 2: CD4007 N-Channel MOSFET.
Figure 3: Breadboard connections.
Figure 4: Measurement devices (left: an ammeter to measure I_D, right: a voltmeter to measure V_{GS}).

Solving for Threshold Voltage and Conductance Parameter

Start with the drain current equation:

I_D=K_n (V_{GS}-V_T)^2 (1+\lambda V_{DS}).

Since the channel-length modulation parameter \lambda could be neglected, we will divide our results into two cases: (1) assuming \lambda=0 and (2) \lambda > 0. For the first case (\lambda=0), the equation would be

I_D \approx K_n (V_{GS}-V_T)^2.

For the second case (\lambda > 0), along with V_{DS}=V_{GS}, the equation would be

I_D=K_n (V_{GS}-V_T)^2 (1+\lambda V_{GS}).

After we formulate the problem into an equation, we then use a tool called Desmos to do curve fitting to find V_T and K_n. Alternatively, one may use nonlinear optimization techniques such as rearranging the equation then minimize the residue or iterative search technique.

We will use the data with I_D>100\ \mathrm{\mu A} to ensure that the NMOS is conducting.


Neglecting the Channel-Length Modulation Parameter

We got V_T=1.1939\ \mathrm{V} and K_n=401.64\ \mathrm{\mu A / V^2}. The results can be viewed below (Figure 5) or at this interactive link.

Figure 5: A screenshot from Desmos website (without channel-length modulation parameter).

Including the Channel-Length Modulation Parameter

We got V_T=1.1910\ \mathrm{V}, K_n=394.84\ \mathrm{\mu A / V^2} and \lambda = 0.0048957\ \mathrm{V^{-1}}. The results can be viewed below (Figure 6) or at this interactive link.

Figure 6: A screenshot from Desmos website (with channel-length modulation parameter).


This report measures threshold voltage and conduction parameter of an NMOS in a CD4007 Transistor package using curve-fitting technique. To improve the results in other regions, different drain voltages and source-body voltages may be explored in the future.


The author would like to thank Banlue Srisuchinwong for his devoted guidance and advices.

